Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Let us wage the war

Why are we so silent and inhuman? Why are we just dragging our lives in these cities of chaos - plunging from bad to worse as each day goes by. Why are we with no sense of responsibility? Why are we still rejoicing when its time to fight against the mass destruction of Earth? Why are we not waging a war?

A study says that in another 30 years, humans may be extinct - it is frightening but after reading it  most of us would think - this is just another news getting forwarded on social media just like that the Cricket world cup will come to India this year and anyway 30 years is a long time. On the flip side, some of us may even have the audacity to think that anyway it is another 30 years, lets rejoice and use the earth to the maximum limit!!

Even if there were another 50-100 years before the human extinction - its time to think what the next 50-100 years would hold - abnormal temperatures, more natural calamities, highly contaminated water and food. plastic filled oceans. But here we are - sitting complacent within the comforts of our houses and offices and either just talking about it or blogging (including me!) or sharing on social media. Why are we not out on the streets and working towards saving our Earth and the human kind? Why can't the whole world just stop for a year and dedicate it's existence to bring back our Earth from its current state of hopelessness - in turn give ourselves a few more centuries at the very least?

Let us stop the clock - impractical it may sound - but it is the need of the hour. Just stall- stall the progress - the technological and industrial revolutions - the research for a better planet or life on moon or Mars - let us instead save the life on earth. While this may seem highly undo-able - it is far more plausible than shifting to another planet in a Noah's rocket!!

Let us (governments and bureaucracy included) not put energy anywhere else, say let us just shop in case of emergency for a year - not eat out - not travel - no new constructions. Just remain where we are - just giving the life back to our cities and streets. Let us transform them or rather put them back in its original state inch by inch, molecule by molecule. Let us not close our eyes to the devastation we as a human race have caused around - let us carve a cause to be proud of we as humans.

Is there any way apart from this? The speed at which the humans are using the resources, and abusing the earth is alarming and cannot be matched by efforts of a minuscule number of good Samaritans trying to bring the change by tree plantation drives, cleaning the streets, garbage segregation etc. The bit by bit effort is like a few drops of pure water in a gushing filthy polluted river. It doesnt take any time for those few drops to turn dirty when into the river - it doesn't have the capacity and scale to purify the river.

Each one of us has to stop our lives and put that effort. All our energies have to go into that effort - nowhere else. The Earth needs us to save her at a war front - Let us please wage the war.

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