Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Education - game of money

Give me money, I will make you rich
Finally One day...
when for the last time you pray
A job, comforts all for an educated you
As you define success
with no place for dismay

Let me load your shoulders
with bags so heavy
Practice you for future's boulders
That may stall your destiny
in a life full of opportunities otherwise
Follow as I say you must
And I promise, you shall be exemplary

Let me make you bow...
to courses so vast
long lists of extra curriculars
you may never guess its all a farce
Overall development and creating genius
scrambling like molecules of a Brownian
Scorching in the glory of my power so fierce

Don't talk about knowledge
instead I give you gratification
Degrees and awards to share with the world
Value for money as I control your creation
Don't strive for intelligence or passion
I will shower you with that education
Wishes will be dead to learn any more
After giving me money to place you at the fore

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