Thursday, March 14, 2019

Summer sun

Steps hesitate
As the skin feels the wrath
The wrath of the sun
on the concrete path..

I try to fit in my shadow
Hoping for shade

Eyes squint,
As I wait on the street
For the cool of the bus
Dreaming of the back seat

A long road ahead
A few mirages teasing my patience
Gust of hot wind
Hurting with the summer fragrance

Drops of water on my forehead
get wasted as sweat
An overused handkerchief,
dying to be thrown
in that bucket of water back at my home

A pair of parched lips,
As I quiver with thirst
The last drop from my bottle
To my despair
escaping into the dust

Breathe in the hot air
filling my lungs
Burning fire inside me
Like the burning hot sun

Oh..I miss the trees
That once lined the street
Soft shades of different shapes
Like a mother's assuring embrace

They stayed beside me
As I enjoyed this street
Making me forget..
there was a summer sun indeed..

A summer sun indeed
Waiting to devour
Whatever walked in this heat!!!!

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