Thursday, May 7, 2009

Across the wall of IIMA

Recently I got the privelege to stay in the IIM-Ahmedabad campus. The temperature was bearly bearable with the mercury touching the awful 44 degree mark. But to adapt is human and that's what I also did. I have been staying in Bangalore for quite long now to be thoroughly spoiled by its weather. However much we complain about the rising temperature in the Silicon city, but we surely are lucky to be living here.

The IIMA not only boasts of the achievers getting the most sought for education and exposure in its MBA program - but it also has the state of the art campus. I first stepped into the area in the dim hours of evening and could surely see some street dwellers resting against its outer-wall. Surely, its not an uncommon site in India - we know there is a huge percent living below the poverty line. And then after all the homeless need a place to rest in the evening. I surely felt sad seeing their plight, but soon realised that these people just stay there always - even in the burning hours of afternoon.

The divide is so clear across the wall - There is the youth of our country getting ready for bigger jobs spending lakhs of rupees on the education in the finest Management institue of India. And so are there the children a few metres away - who just stay there not knowing if the heat wave will let them survive till the next day. While the one inside the campus worry if they will be able to get their dream job in finance or sales etc, there are those ouside who are still dreaming about a place to stay in or may be they have even stopped dreaming...


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hmmm... and those staying outside the wall might not even know what's going behind the wall. There are case studies being discussed day-in and day-out but what about them! They talk about CSR, Social Entrepreneurship, blah-blah but who is there to provide them a descent shelter to the kids you mentioned...

Btw, did you get a chance to have a sip of tea @ 'Rambhai chaiwala'.
The view that he gets of the IIM-Ahmedabad campus is from a tiny hole in the boundary wall through which he delivers cups of tea to the 'highly' intellectual!

Rambhai is of course a legend on the campus. For the past 25 years, his 'kitli' has provided space for debate and discussion for students of IIM-A, the stimulant being the cuppa he serves. remains a popular website for IIM-A alumni to stay in touch with news on campus.