Monday, May 26, 2014

Dawn break!

I have never been too interested in politics - neither have I been a very political person! The ups and downs of politics exhibited so eloquently by the shrillness and the racy debates at prime-time has been mostly cacophony to my ears. My sub-conscious (like any other Indian's lately) knew that there would be a scam of varying magnitude (like an earthquake in a zone-1 city) round the corner and yes there would be a setback to our belief and also to our pockets. But who's to blame, what could have been done, which minister was caught red handed has certainly not been my cup of tea! It always has been just bad news!!

But this May, things have changed - with the blockbuster of all reality shows that has been playing on and off  on every television set!! This May when India (including myself) voted for Modi! This May, when the voting power, with all its might, uprooted the show-stoppers!
Now it's not an everyday political affairs confined to the assemblies - its every Indian's affairs linked to our everyday happiness. There had been so many blows for the past few years that each day's progress now counts. Will we be inching forward - undoing each and every layer of dust and rust that had been accumulating during the last regime on our country's progress ? Now it's not mere politics playing into the hands of a few politicians and bureaucrats, it's knowing if the ballot we had won on May 16th is in our favor or not in the days and years to come!

Yesterday was a moment of standing ovation to all the people of India - for democratically changing the country's fate - no bloodshed, no violent revolution - just plain democratic election. Yesterday was a moment to congratulate each one of us as a new morning dawned while all of us watched the dawn break over a cup of Indian masala chai!!

1 comment:

Smitha Jojy said...

I second every thought you have penned here, hoping to see a shining and emerging India !