Saturday, May 5, 2012

Just being thoughtful

"Think before you leap" -- but if I think I wont really leap :-) Thoughtfulness -- is it an overrated trait? Does it mar spontaneity? Is it an indication of inactivity? When you are a kid, your moral science teacher leaves no stone unturned in making you feel -- "Gods want you to be thoughtful - in your actions, deeds and thoughts" :) So, we grew up thinking what to say next , how to act best. Till we reach the big bad world - where no body waits for your thoughts. And then you are introduced to "Actions speak louder than words! (or should it be thoughts?)" .
Am I what I think? or Am I what I do? I may not always do what I think after all :-) And can others really know what one thinks? Or they can only see what one does? So are thoughts whats inside you while most of actions are what you really want to be? Is that what thoughtfulness means - to do what you against what we think - that is to think before you do!! 

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