Saturday, March 23, 2019

The cup

The cup hisses silently
I, on the sofa,
With my feet up, drawn...
Don't wanna move an inch
Till the sight of the next dawn

The sun had set long ago
Dinner's finished
Beds spread, Days done
But the evening ...
not wanting to go.... yet.

I whiff the familiar smell
Too known to ignore
It's just a few steps...
to the kitchen table,
next to the door

Fresh to my taste
May be the flavour which I like best
Or the one which I like a bit less
Too tempting to resist
It's time to arise, walk a few steps

But, seconds have passed,
The flavour may have left
Like the smell of just wet ground
Gone after a shower of rain,
Do I go the distance
May be all in vain ?

A few still moments
Then a familiar voice
Of footsteps....
And the cup
Of my favourite brew
As I grab for that sip
What more could I ask
Than a wish come true!

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Summer sun

Steps hesitate
As the skin feels the wrath
The wrath of the sun
on the concrete path..

I try to fit in my shadow
Hoping for shade

Eyes squint,
As I wait on the street
For the cool of the bus
Dreaming of the back seat

A long road ahead
A few mirages teasing my patience
Gust of hot wind
Hurting with the summer fragrance

Drops of water on my forehead
get wasted as sweat
An overused handkerchief,
dying to be thrown
in that bucket of water back at my home

A pair of parched lips,
As I quiver with thirst
The last drop from my bottle
To my despair
escaping into the dust

Breathe in the hot air
filling my lungs
Burning fire inside me
Like the burning hot sun

Oh..I miss the trees
That once lined the street
Soft shades of different shapes
Like a mother's assuring embrace

They stayed beside me
As I enjoyed this street
Making me forget..
there was a summer sun indeed..

A summer sun indeed
Waiting to devour
Whatever walked in this heat!!!!

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

आसमान ने शिकायत की ,
फिर हवाओं की मुझसे
मेरे बादलों को बेघर कर देती हैं
ना जाने किस की चाह है इन्हें

कल ही समेटा था नहरों से पानी
ख्वाब चमकती बूंदों के देखे थे
कैसे मानुष को अचंभित करेंगे
जब एकाएक बादलो से बरसेगी रवानी

हवा तू रुख क्यों नही बदलती अपना
अब जाड़े में आना इस ओर
जब रुई की तरह होंगे ये मेघ
ना बरसने की ललक ना गर्जन का शोर

अभी तो धरा बैचैन है भीगने को
सन्नाटा लपेटे सूर्य की किरणें ,
पढ़ती हैं जब इसपे
और जलती है रूह इसकी ध्वस्त

एक आशाहीन अभिलाषा लिए
करती है वो निरंतर आह्वान
रोक ले हवाओं का ये हाहाकार
ऐ, आसमान, अब तो अपना धन बरसा
अब तो बूंदो की मुझे झलक दे

Monday, March 11, 2019

मुसर्रत की बात ना कह
वो तो दुश्मन की कश्ती में भी है गुलशन
बस ज़मीन-ए-वतन का खयाल रहे जेहन में 

फक्र की बात ना कह
वो तो लहु से सरोबर लिबास में भी है रौशन
बस सदक़ा-ए-वतन का कफन लिपटे बदन पे

तेरे मन में क्यों शिक़वा है ऐ दोस्त
शहर की हवा में भी रश्क़ तू ढूंढे

मेरी कहानी में तो गिरह न कोई
बस हवा में हो वतन की खुशबू 
चाहे फिर किसी भी दर पे ठिकाना रहे

Friday, March 8, 2019

The mirror and me

In the mirror, I look at me..
Seeing the flaws, but pleased generally.

Fine lines of life trying to sneak in
I haven't drawn them and nor has destiny..
Nor did those years I am at the other side of,
Nor my lack of sleep...

Its the story of my dreams,
The dreams that I chose to make a reality...
I might have given up some..
But they still define me

That first step holding my dad's hands..
Looking for assurance forever it had to be
And then there was freedom of breaking the shackles.
Out was I , not knowing where tomorrow would take me...

Exploring directions leading to destinations..
Some left mid way
Nevertheless qualified to be a memory

I juggled through those paths
A smooth sailing for god's other creation
A roller coaster for me
Though the joy never left my heart
Oh I could experience what could never  bring them glee

So, in the mirror I look at me..
Seeing the flaws but pleased generally

Hey woman, have you really changed deep inside,
Or it is just the mirror that defies thee

I still dream with my eyes open - some realized in a jiffy
And some will always be dreams as they are meant to be

Getting  ready for another day...would it be fun or misery...
Would it make me regret or proud or nostalgic
Would I give something up or grab that opportunity
Would my dreams be transformed into bigger ones
Or would they bow to the watch of practicality
These are not just choices but way of my everyday life...

As today, in the mirror I look at me
Seeing the flaws but pleased generally
Invisible wings flutter within me..
Yet again letting my spirits free...