Thursday, January 17, 2013

Living again...

A shriek of cry
One moment...
A carefree sleep...
Another one.
Half closed eyelids
One moment.
Open up to find me...
Another one.
Waking up to the slimmest sound
One moment.
Ignoring the rattles jingling...
Another one.

A day of limitless smiles
Or a night full of cries
A moment of surprise..
Too mundane another one 

She holds me in assurance...
when I hold her in my lap.
She humbles me with her patience
when I am fretting yet again.
Another one in my life
with whom I can grow up a little...
one moment.
And be a kid
another one...

The passing words that the mind generates -- one minute they are loud and clear, as if I will remember them for months and the next hour they are like small snowflakes melting into the warming sun called time. Wish there was a way to commemorate these..without picking up my laptop or pen...something like getting recorded by the thin air around me. Yes, I know there are better gadgets available..recorder, smart phones...but I just don't want to touch any of those, specially when am not that used to fat fingers just don't fit on the sleek keys...Yes I also know I can get a stylus...but so much for binding thoughts into memories...

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Kyna arrives

Sleepless Nights and frantic days...that time is back...rewarded sometimes by the toothless cherubic smile and frustrating at other times by the clueless cries. Kyna is born on 28th Oct 2012. When I asked Myra, what did she think when she first saw Kyna, Myra said: "She is so fair" -- so people do notice color, even children do. Anyway, we nicknamed the new born "Pihu" - as Myra's nickname is "Kuhu", it just seemed natural that the other one be called "Pihu".
So, a new journey begins and hopefully we are more prepared to endure it ..more so experience it with joy...hopefully Myra has taught us enough lessons :-)